Nice and Clean Voluntary Angels- a community organisation set up to help people in need in the community through providing free cleaning services.
Set up by Michelle Hilton who owns a cleaning business called Nice and Clean in Blackpool. Michelle wanted to do something that would help people in need in the community and what better way than to organise a service where cleaning companies in England and Wales could offer up free cleaning to people in need.
How does it work?
A simple but effective concept. Cleaning companies sign up to offer one month of free cleaning. That is one clean a week for 4 weeks.
Who can apply?
Any person in need in the community can apply. If someone has been diagnosed with cancer and they are struggling to take care of their home. If someone has been diagnosed with dementia and their family is struggling to cope. If someone has just left hospital and is struggling to cope.
How can I sign up?
Cleaning companies will soon be able to sign up on the website. For now however you can email our Voluntary Angels at
How do I apply for help?
Contact us at and we will put you in touch with a Voluntary Angel in your area.